Music: Fantasy Impromptu
Reading: Crime and Punishment
Professional: Applying to internships
Inspiration: Chloe Kim
Fitness: Half / Meditation
Personal: Being more confident in my ability to love others.

AUTHENTICITY, being secure in who I am.

Growing Conscientiousness
1. Rethink your conception of intelligence. It's learned and developed, and can practice. Your intelligence can grow. You can change, grow, and develop. Your talents can expand, as can your strength and you overall.

2. Welcome failure, and don't view it as a setback- just a part of a journey. Push yourself to the point of failure over and over again, and gradually that breaking point will be harder and harder to reach.

3. Focus on learning, and use your curiosity to fuel your actions. As long as you are learning, you are successful. In all areas of your life, seek to learn more about them and bring your knowledge to the table.

4. What do you love? What were you immediately a little skilled at, or what did you like right away? 
- Music
- Sports - Hiking, Snowboarding, Athleticism
- Art
- Writing

5. Push yourself, pursue challenge, pursue difficulty - test your limits so you can surprise yourself with your ability.
- Fantasy Impromptu by Chopin!
- Finding an internship where you can grow.
- 4.0 this semester!
- Running a Half Marathon.

6. Do what you love. Plain and simple. If you don't love it, drop it.

7. Develop grit.
GRIT is a “perseverance and passion for long-term goals”. Grit is the ability to keep going and keep a positive attitude even when things aren’t going as planned, are harder than imagined, and success does not appear to be coming soon.

Grit and a fixed mindset go hand-in-hand. Angela Duckworth is a researcher who has spent a lot of time studying grit, she has written a book about it that you can check out as well. Essentially, you can be smart, talented, curious, and raised in an incredibly wonderful home, but if you don’t know how to work hard, persevere through struggles and failure, and stay committed to your long-term goals you aren’t going to be successful.

8. Celebrate hard work and actions. Not traits, characteristics, talent, accomplishments. Celebrate the journey, the beauty of how hard you worked to grow to a point, the perseverance you had to reach an end goal. Not the point itself. That's how you stagnate.

Don't look for approval from anyone but yourself.

Seek self-satisfaction.
Seek inner peace.
1. Be on time to things

2. Follow through with promises, both to yourself and other people.

3. Be more money conscious. Start saving, don't spend on impulse. Write down five reasons why you're purchasing something and budget for food.

4. Keep your space organized and clean.

5. Plan your day.

6. Sleep.

1. wake up at 6:30.

2. 7-8:30 AM every day, + 3 hour break Mon/Wed
This means sleep by 12:30.

2. Don't turn your phone on until leaving for class.

3. drink a little tea or hot water to wake up, but that's all.

4. no distractions. use pomodoro method.

5. separate creative development from school, and school from play.


to 4:30: DEEP WORK
Coding, Psets, Writing
12 PM to 3 PM: DEEP WORK
Coding, Psets, Writing

1 hour CAREER
Din to 10: LIGHT WORK
Reviewing, memorizing, reading
30 mins CAREER

Reviewing, memorizing, reading

10 PM Beyond - FREE WORK
Art, music, free reading, hang
Beyond - FREE WORK
Art, music, free reading, hang
Midnight - PLAN
Plan out the tasks for next day.
Specific for Deep work,
General for Light and Free work.
Midnight - PLAN
Plan out the tasks for next day.
Specific for Deep work,
General for Light and Free work.